Automatically withdraw all invitations after 30 days
You might not even realize how many pending invitations you've sent and have remained unanswered overtime!
Hear about our users in their own words
Keep your invitation list clean.
Automatically withdrawing pending invitations helps maintain a high acceptance ratio, and allows you to resend invitations after 3 weeks! Botdog does that for you - yes, even for the invitations you've sent manually outside of Botdog!
Average invitations withdrawn every month
1 hour
Time saved every month if you did it manually. But let's be honest, who does?
People from these companies use Botdog to withdraw their pending invitations
Withdraw invitations so that you can re-connect later
99% of accepted invitations are accepted within the first 30 days - after 30 days your invite will be buried at the bottom of the list. Withdraw it so that you can re-send it!
Increases reply rate
Start a free trial now to remove all your pending invitations!